October 18 - October 22, 2021

 Below is the Math AGENDA for the week of Monday October 18 - Friday October 22 for my Grade 8 & 9 Math classes:

Grade 8

Monday October 18 - Hey everyone, today there is no school. I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Tuesday October 19 - Hi everyone, today we looked at two methods of multiplying a proper fraction by a proper fraction. 

1. Using a diagram (rectangle model)

2. Using the math rule: Step 1) Multiply the numerators. Step 2) Multiply the denominators. Step 3) Simplify (reduce, and put in lowest terms).

3. Moreover, we looked at the cross-reduction method. Please refer to your notes for details. 

Today's activity is on Pg 214 (#4-15)

Wednesday October 20 - Hey everyone, today we started section 6.4 and we looked at how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, and a mixed number to an improper fraction. Moreover, we looked at how to use a rectangle model to help us multiply a mixed number by a mixed number. 

Today's activity if you didn't finish in class is Pg 216 (#1-4)

Thursday October 21 - Hi everyone, today we wrapped up section 6.4 and looked at how to model the multiplication of mixed numbers with an area model. We also learned how to mathematically multiply mixed numbers. The steps are below: 

Step 1) Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions, 

Step 2) Then multiply numerators together, and multiply denominators together, and simplify your answer. 

Today's activity is on Pg 220 (#4,5,7 9-16)

Friday October 22  Hi everyone, today we started section 6.5, and learned how to model the division of fractions and mixed numbers. We illustrated the DIVISION with fraction strips, please refer to your notes for the details. 

Today's activity is on Pg 227 (#1-6) and is due on Monday October 25.

**A reminder that the Chapter 6 QUIZ (on sections 6.1-6.4) is tentatively on Tuesday October 26. 

Have an awesome weekend everyone!! 😊

Grade 9

Monday October 18 - Hey everyone, today there is no school. I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Tuesday October 19 - Hey guys, today we'll be looking at what happens when you divide powers with the same base. You will have noticed that you will need to subtract the exponents. 

Today's activity is on Pg 105 (#1 - 8)

Wednesday October 20 - Hi everyone, today we will be learning how to raise a Power, Product and Quotient to an exponent. The strategy is to multiply the exponents together to get a new exponent. 

Today's activity is on Pg 106 (#9 - 14) 

Thursday October 21- Hi everyone, today we looked at in detail what happens when you raise a number to the exponent zero. We learned that any number (except zero) raised to the exponent zero is equal to one. Moreover, we looked at three different ideas illustrating WHY this is the case. For enrichment we also saw what happens when we have a negative exponent. 

Today's activity is Pg 106 (#15 - 26)

 Friday October 22 - Hi guys, today we started section 3.2 and looked at what is a coefficient as it pertains to powers. Moreover, we looked at 3 methods in solving powers that have coefficients.  

Today's activity is on Pg 111 (#1 - 7)

**A reminder that the Chapter 3 QUIZ (on sections 3.1 - 3.2) is on Monday October 25. 

Have an awesome weekend everyone!! 😊