September 6 - September 10, 2021

 Below is the Math AGENDA for the week of Monday September 6 - Friday September 10 for my Grade 8 & 9 Math classes:

Grade 8

Monday September 6 - No School today as it is labour day. I hope you all had a great long weekend!

Tuesday September 7 - Hey everyone, today we are reviewing our numbers system along with place value. Moreover, we are looking at numbers in their numeric and word form. 

Today's activity is the Place Value/Number form Worksheet

Wednesday September 8 - Hi guys, today we are starting Chapter 8 a unit on INTEGERS. Moreover, we are looking at introducing integers, zero pairs, adding and subtracting integers, and visualizing integers on a number line. 

Today's activity is to complete the Chapter 8 GET READY WORKSHEET

Thursday September 9 - Hey everyone, today we are looking at the definitions needed to be successful in this unit. We will also look at when integers are used in the real-world and modelling integers using integer chips. 

Today's activity is the exploration activity on Pg 286 (#1-7)

Friday September 10 - Hey everyone, today we are looking at performing integer multiplication by using integer tiles/chips. 

Today's activity is on Pg 290 (#1-10)

Have an awesome weekend everyone!! 😊

Grade 9

Monday September 6 - No School today as it is labour day. I hope you all had a great long weekend!

Tuesday September 7 - Hey everyone, today we are reviewing numbers in their fraction form. Moreover, we'll be looking at different types of fractions such as proper, improper and mixed numbers. Furthermore, we will be looking at the strategies when multiplying and dividing fraction and simplifying them. 

Today's activity is the 2nd half of the Fraction Operations WORKSHEET. 

Wednesday September 8 - Hey everyone, today we are continuing with our review and we'll be looking at the strategies involved in adding and subtracting fractions. We will also look at simplifying our answers in lowest terms and re-writing improper fractions as mixed numbers. 

Today's activity is the 1st half of the Fraction Operations WORKSHEET. 

When you've completed both sides of the worksheet, please assess your work. The solutions to the worksheet is in the link below:

Fraction Operations WORKSHEET Solutions

Thursday September 9 - Hey guys, today we are learning about the REAL NUMBER SYSTEM. 

Today's activity is the Real Number System BOOKLET

 Friday September 10 - Hey everyone, today we are starting section 2.1 and looking at comparing rational numbers in their fraction and decimal form. 

Today's activity is on Pg 51 (#1 - 9)

Have an awesome weekend everyone!! 😊