May 3 - May 7, 2021

Below is the Math agenda for the week of Monday May 3 - Friday May 7 for my Grade 8 & 9 classes: 

Grade 8

Monday May 3 - Hey everyone, today we are starting section 7.4 and we are looking at solving word problems that involve the use of right triangular prisms and cylinders. 

Please refer to the section 7.4 NOTES in the gr. 8 notes tab on my Blog for details and for review.

Today's activity is on Pg 272 (#1 - 5)

Tuesday May 4 - Hey everyone, today are using class time to wrap up section 7.4 and we're looking at solving word problems that involve the use of both prisms and cylinders. Please refer to your notes for the two examples and the strategies involved. 

Please refer to the section 7.4 NOTES in the gr. 8 notes tab on my Blog for details and for review.

Today's activity is on Pg 273 (#6-8, 12-14, 16,19,21)

***The Chapter 7 QUIZ on (sections 7.1 - 7.3) is open at 9am today and you have all day to write it. You can access it in D2L. Please see the specific details of the test in D2L. The Ch.7 Quiz is open from today until Thursday May 6 at 8pm

Wednesday May 5 - Hey everyone, today we are using class time to work on one of two items. The work from above on Pg 273 (#6-8, 12-14, 16,19,21), or if you are done you can work on the: 

Chapter 7 REVIEW on Pg 276 (#1 -12)

***Furthermore, the Chapter 7 QUIZ is open all day today for you to write. 

Thursday May 6 -  Hey everyone, today you can use class time to continue to work on the: 

Chapter 7 REVIEW on Pg 276 (#1-12)

***Today is the last day to write the Chapter 7 QUIZ, and it is open today until 8pm. After that the Chapter 7 QUIZ will be closed.

Friday May 7 - Hey guys, today we are using class time to wrap up the:

Chapter 7 REVIEW on Pg 277 (#13 - 20) 

If you are done, and would like extra-practice you may work on the Chapter 7 Practice Test on Pg 278 (#1 - 15) 

Monday MAY 10, HOMEWORK CHECK: Needs to be submitted into your (my Portfolio) by Monday May 10

--Pg 273 (#6-8, 12-14, 16,19,21) &

--Pg 276 (#1-20) CH. 7 REVIEW

All the best, and have a great weekend!! 😊 

Also, a reminder that the Chapter 7 UNIT TEST is tentatively scheduled to start on Monday May 10, or Tuesday May 11. 

Grade 9

Monday May 3 - Hey everyone, today we are looking at dividing a polynomial by a monomial. The 2 methods we'll be looking at include Algebra Tiles, and Algebra. 

Please refer to the section 7.3 NOTES in the gr. 9 notes tab on my Blog for details and for review. 

Today's activity is on Pg 275 (#1,2, 4-9) 

Tuesday May 4 - Hey everyone, today we are wrapping up section 7.3 by completing an application question that involves the division of a polynomial by a monomial and ratios. Please refer to your notes for specific details. 

Please refer to the section 7.3 NOTES in the gr. 9 notes tab on my Blog for details and for review. 

Today's activity is on Pg 276 (#10 - 16)

***The Chapter 7 QUIZ on (sections 7.1 - 7.2) is open at 9am today and you have all day to write it. You can access it in D2L. Please see the specific details of the test in D2L. The Ch.7 Quiz is open from today until Thursday May 6 at 9pm

Wednesday May 5 - Hey everyone, today we are studying by working on the Chapter 7 REVIEW. 

Today's activity is the Ch. 7 Review on Pg 278 (#1 - 19) 

***Furthermore, the Chapter 7 QUIZ is open all day today for you to write. 

Thursday May 6 - Hey guys, today we are using class time today to continue reviewing. you can be working on one of two things:

The Chapter 7 Review on Pg 278 (#1 - 19) or if you are done you can work: 

The Chapter 7 Practice Test on Pg 280 (#1 - 16)

***Today is the last day to write the Chapter 7 QUIZ, and it is open today until 9pm. After that the Chapter 7 QUIZ will be closed.

Friday May 7 - Hey everyone, today you are using class time to review by working on the: 

Chapter 7 Practice Test on Pg 280 (#1-16).

Monday MAY 10, HOMEWORK CHECK: Needs to be submitted into your (my Portfolio) by Monday May 10

--Pg 276 (#10 - 16) &

--Pg 278 (#1 - 19) CH. 7 REVIEW

All the best, and have a nice weekend! 
A reminder that the Ch. 7 UNIT TEST is tentatively scheduled to start on Monday May 10, or Tuesday May 11.